Adventure Lanzarote

Exploring one of the most unique and beautiful sceneries in the world. And telling about it.

A cross-media project documenting our exploration of the volcanic paradise where we've moved. Words, photos, videos and music come together to tell a tale of nature, beauty and discovery. Adventure Lanzarote is a website and a YouTube channel.

There's a strange, volcanic, subtropical island off the coast of Western Sahara, officially Spain territory, slapped by the best surfing waves in the Atlantic and enjoying the best climate in the world. It's a land of lava fields and blinding white beaches contrasting with the black of basalt, azure waters and secret coves teeming with curious life -- and breathtaking vistas on desert landscapes carpeted by loveliest vegetation, treasuring every little drop of water and exuding raw force and pure poetry. It's a beacon for travelers, outdoor lovers, and artists from all around the world, which stole our hearts from Day One.

Adventure Lanzarote is our dedicated project to tell the magic of this place -- and its nearby Canaries: the website hosts our articles, guides, photos and videos -- which also constitute its YouTube channel. Some of the videos also feature original soundtracks.