Urlan, Cosmic Cat: The Making Of - Part 4 (Interlude)
Interlude: A Gallery of Anomalies
This article is part of the "Making Of" series about "Urlan, Cosmic Cat" and features some of the weirdest, funniest and/or more interesting unused images generated in the rollercoaster process of creating this incredible AI-illustrated graphic novel.
You can check out a free preview of the actual work, grab it on Amazon or watch the Launch Trailer.
Heads up:
this article contains some spoilers!
Things happened, while we were working on Urlan.
Terrible, terrible things. Unnamable, unfathomable and other un-words which are not enough to describe.
Oh, the things we saw.
Let's share some of the anomalies we witnessed. Be prepared.

The Making Of will continue soon in the incredible Part 5: Interview with the AI! Dont' miss it.
Urlan, Cosmic Cat
A groundbreaking AI-human collaboration in graphic storytelling. With yellow eyes.